Inner Dance with Rendezvous!

When I listen to Rendezvous music, I can feel it in my body. Their music is soft and subtle, causing me to move against my will. I am relaxed yet very much alive. My body understands their music; I feel like I am doing a dance from within.

That’s the effect of Rendezvous’ music on me. Perhaps it doesn’t come as a surprise; after all, it’s Rendezvous.

Rendezvous, a band composed of Itai Simon and Hagai Izenberg, write beautiful electronica music. Music sites and other bloggers call them geniuses in both electropop and jazz, but I feel that their music is far more eclectic. To paraphrase what I read from a reviewer online, Rendezvous deserves to be in a genre of its own making.

This year, they will be releasing their first ever album, mainly because of the clamor of fans for more of their music. To make matters more interesting, they are working with mixing pro David Bascombe, the producer of Depeche Mode, Tears for Fears, Natalie Imbruglia, Kylie Minogue, and The Verve. Now, that speaks volumes about how far Rendezvous has gone in the music biz.

No doubt Rendezvous’ first album will be excellent and most likely a hit among its fans, including myself. I am patiently waiting for the album release – after all, it should be available this year. For now, I just listen to their music for free – which I do so constantly – at my leisure. And yes, sometimes, I still feel like dancing. Other times I just like reading or writing while hearing and “feeling” the notes.

Relax, sit back or do the inner dance with Rendezvous. Listen to Rendezvous’ music at the official Rendezvous website. You can also watch them in action in their studio sessions as they did their recording for the debut album, through Rendezvous’ official YouTube channel.

Wriiten by: Amanda Hawthorne

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